
nmTeam officially celebrates its second anniversary today

(2023 年 6 月 14 日) — nmTeam 于今日正式迎来成立二周年纪念日。

nmTeam 于 2021 年 6 月 14 日正式成立。在过去的两年里,nmTeam 始终秉承着为广大 nm 爱好者提供优质的产品和服务的宗旨。

我们推出的 nmBot Telegram 版是为 Telegram 用户打造的群组管理和娱乐机器人,自上线以来已经被超过 2,500 个群组使用,成为了 nmTeam 最受欢迎的产品之一,也是 Telegram 中文圈最知名的机器人之一。在我们今年四月份进行的用户满意度调查中,nmBot 获得了高达 94% 的好评率。

我们即将推出全新设计的 nmTeam 账号系统,这是一个集成了多种功能和服务的平台,将为我们后续产品的开发和发布提供强有力的支撑。同时,我们也在积极开发更多 nmTeam 的产品和服务,以满足用户的不同需求。

我们衷心感谢广大用户对我们的关注和支持。未来,nmTeam 将不忘初心,坚持创新,继续致力为广大 nm 爱好者提供优质的产品和服务。希望广大用户可以持续关注 nmTeam 的动态,支持 nmTeam 的发展。

(June 14, 2023) — nmTeam officially celebrates its second anniversary today.

nmTeam was officially launched on June 14, 2021. In the past two years, nmTeam has always been adhering to the purpose of providing high-quality products and services for the majority of nmers.

The nmBot Telegram version we launched is a group management and entertainment robot for Telegram users. Since its launch, it has been used by more than 2,500 groups. It has become one of the most popular products of nmTeam and the most well-known robot in the Chinese Telegram user group. one. In our user satisfaction survey conducted in April this year, nmBot received a 94% positive rating.

We are about to launch a newly designed nmTeam account system, which is a platform that integrates multiple functions and services, and will provide strong support for the development and release of our subsequent products. At the same time, we are also actively developing more nmTeam products and services to meet the different needs of users.

We sincerely thank our users for their attention and support. In the future, nmTeam will remember its original intention, persist in innovation, and continue to provide high-quality products and services for the majority of nmers. We hope that users can continue to pay attention to the dynamics of nmTeam and support the development of nmTeam.

标签: nmTeam