nmTeam Account Center 新版头像设置面板上线 nmTeam Account Center's New avatar setting panel is now available
经过一段时间的维护,nmTeam Account Center 新版头像设置面板现已上线。
经过一段时间的维护,nmTeam Account Center 新版头像设置面板现已上线。
大家好,我是 nmTeam CEO agou。
首先,我再次对 nmTeam 用户诚挚道歉,即使当前阶段用户数并不可观,也不能成为我们服务出现问题的借口。
由于 nmTeam 的一些更改和服务器遭到攻击,nmTeam 账号服务目前暂不可用。2 月 13 日晚间,nmTeam 官网可能无法访问。2 月 12 日下午,nmTeam 产品介绍页的图片出现短时无法加载问题,此后 nmTeam SLA bot出现误报。在此对这些问题的出现向大家诚挚道歉。关于这些问题的详情,稍后会再做详细说明。
Due to some changes to nmTeam and server attacks, the nmTeam account service is currently unavailable. On the evening of February 13th, the official nmTeam website may be unavailable. On the afternoon of February 12, the images on the nmTeam product introduction page could not be loaded for a short time. The nmTeam SLA bot has since reported false positives. We sincerely apologize to all of you for these problems. Details on these issues will be explained later.