
Global Accessibility Awareness Day

2023 年 5 月 18 日是第 12 个全球无障碍宣传日。一直以来,nmTeam 致力于为残障用户提供与其他用户一致的产品使用体验。

我们始终致力于优化 nmTeam 产品的无障碍体验,让每个人用起来都轻松。例如,最近我们:

  • 改进了 nmTeam 官方网站中图标和链接的标签文本;
  • 正在改进 nmBot 面板中部分元素和操作的屏幕阅读器体验。相关改进将会在 6 月更新和后续版本中发布。

点击这里,进一步了解 nmTeam 产品的辅助功能和无障碍承诺。

May 18, 2023 is the 12th Global Accessibility Awareness Day. nmTeam has been always committed to providing users with disabilities with the same product experience as other users.

We are always working on optimizing the accessibility experience of nmTeam products, making it easy for everyone to use. For example, recently we:

  • Improved label text for icons and links in nmTeam official website;
  • Improved the screen reader experience for some elements and actions in the nmBot panel. Relevant improvements will be released in the June Update and subsequent releases.

Click here to learn more about nmTeam's commitment to accessibility for our products.

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