
今天是 2021 年 8 月 14 日,nmTeam 已经成立两个月了。

两个月前,在没有任何波澜的群聊中,nmTeam GitHub Team 由 Cody 建立,这宣告着 nmTeam 从一个虚无的概念,终于进化成了一个真实的生命。

两个月以来,nmTeam 收到了越来越多的关注和支持,甚至获得了首笔赞助资金。nmTeam 非常感谢大家对这个刚刚起步的团队的支持,您的支持就是我们的动力。

诚然,作为刚刚满两个月的生命体,nmTeam 的喘息尚是微弱的。我们还没有干出改变世界的事情——也不一定有那么强大的能力。但“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”,nmTeam 一直在努力,希望在未来为大家提供更有用的产品和服务,不“冰冻”,但暖心。

如果您会写代码、会搞设计,抑或常常蹦出几个好点子,不妨与我们一起努力开创 nmTeam 更好的未来。nmTeam 随时欢迎您——只要您也是 nm 人。

nmTeam 会继续加油的!

Today is August 14, 2021. It's the day in which nmTeam has already been established for two months.

Two months ago, the nmTeam GitHub Team was established by Cody in the group chat without any waves, which declared that nmTeam has evolved from a nihility concept to a real being.

In the past two months, not only has nmTeam received more and more attention and support, but also won the first sponsorship fund. nmTeam is more than grateful to everyone for your support to this just-starting team. Your support is our motivation.
It's true that as a team that has just established for two months, nmTeam's breathing is still so weak that we haven't done anything that can change the world yet - and we don't necessarily have that powerful ability. But "frozen three feet, not a day's cold", nmTeam has been working hard, hoping to provide you with more useful products and services in the future, not "frozen", but heart-warming.

If you can write code, design, or if you often come up with a few good ideas, why not come and work with us to create a better future for nmTeam. nmTeam welcomes you at any time - as long as you are also a nm person.

nmTeam will keep working hard, thank you!

标签: nmTeam