
nmBot 一周年

(2023 年 4 月 27 日) — nmTeam 旗下的 nmBot 今天正式登陆 Telegram 一周年。凭借 nmBot 丰富的创新功能和优秀的使用体验,它现在已作为 Telegram 上最优秀的群组管理机器人之一被广泛使用。

nmBot 于 2022 年 4 月 27 日正式上线 Telegram,并在同年 6 月 8 日正式公测群组管理功能。一年来,在以 agou 同志为核心的 nmTeam 管理层坚强领导下,nmBot 开发团队坚持守正创新,在创新驱动 nm 发展战略正确引导下,融入“nm + AI”理念,做好开发运营,nmBot 运营取得丰硕成果。

一年来,nmBot 团队抢抓机遇,敢为人先。

2022 年 5 月 26 日凌晨 4 时许,知名 Telegram 中文群组管理机器人“鲁小迅”宣布停运,群组管理机器人市场出现巨大空白。在 Telegram 春夏之交的机器人停运风波中,nmBot 开发团队迅速做出积极部署,着力为 nmBot 加入群组管理相关功能。nmTeam CEO agou 亲自指挥,亲自部署,全体开发人员加班加点、攻坚克难,将开发效益最大化,于同年 6 月 8 日正式公测 nmBot 群组管理功能。

2022 年 6 月 20 日,Telegram 正式发布 Telegram 会员(Telegram Premium Subscription)。nmBot 开发团队迅速响应,在当日中午紧急上线了自动通过 Telegram 会员入群、自动删除 Telegram 会员专享贴纸、显示 Telegram 用户身份等功能,成为首批支持该平台新功能的机器人。

一年来,nmBot 团队坚持创新驱动 nm 发展战略,大胆创新。

创新是 nmBot 的立身之本,创造是 nmBot 的生命之源,创意是 nmBot 的魅力之所在。

面对机器人复杂功能通过指令设置的痛点,nmBot 团队创造性地自主研发了 nmBot 面板。nmBot 面板通过简洁明快的 UI,让用户可以通过点击按钮、输入文本等方式轻松设置机器人功能,大大提高了机器人的易用性。

nmBot 面板宣传图片

面对使用频道身份发言时,无法使用群组管理功能和许多其他功能的问题,nmBot 团队大胆创新,修改底层代码,首创了“频道透视眼”功能,用户只需简单操作,即可透过频道身份完成群组管理功能,并自如使用其他功能,在整个 Telegram 生态中实现了频道身份的无缝衔接。

世界杯期间,nmBot 团队大胆创新,将世界杯赛事与 nmBot 积分打通,推出了“世界杯竞猜王”活动,用户可以通过 nmBot 面板参与世界杯竞猜,竞猜正确即可获得积分奖励。


一年来,nmBot 团队贯彻以用户为本,为用户服务的理念,直击使用痛点,落实用户需求。

nmBot 团队坚持以用户为本,为用户服务的理念,直击使用痛点,落实用户需求。

针对“瓜瓜的聒噪bot”等机器人的互动功能均不支持使用频道身份参与的问题,nmBot 推出了“群友互动”功能,对频道身份进行了支持,在后续版本中还对匿名群组身份进行了支持,让用户通过频道身份和匿名群组身份也可以使用这一互动功能。

针对群组中骚扰消息泛滥的问题,nmBot 团队推出了“自动识别并删除骚扰消息”和“自动拒绝骚扰用户入群”功能,并与 @ADGoawayBot 展开战略合作,当 nmBot 检测到骚扰消息或骚扰用户入群时,会自动采取操作,从而避免群组成员被骚扰。

在过去一年的运营中,nmBot 团队贯彻落实新 nm 理念,nmBot 生态发展取得了丰硕成果。

nmBot 运行数据

截止发稿,nmBot 已累计服务超 1,700 个群组,已有超 300,000 位用户领略过 nmBot 的风采,相当于两个 Telegram 中文频道(@tgcnz)的订阅者。

nmBot 群组管理功能启用情况

nmBot 群组娱乐功能启用情况

nmBot 充满创造力的功能和优秀的使用体验也得到了广泛认可。截止 4 月 22 日,有高达 90% 的群组启用了“nmartChat”功能。启用了 nmBot 群组管理功能的群组中,有超过半数的群组启用了“入群验证”功能,有 55% 启用了“同频气氛组”功能,56% 启用了“欢乐复读”功能。

nmBot 用户满意度

在客户调查中,用户对 nmBot 的满意度高达 94%,对 nmBot 面板的满意度高达 86%。

nmBot 生态

一年来,nmBot 功能生态建设初步完成。在群组管理和运营方面,nmBot 从群组管理功能和群组娱乐功能两个角度着手,为运营 Telegram 群组提供了一系列好用、易用、实用的功能;在用户使用方面,开发了 nmBot 积分体系一系列实用功能。

下一步,nmBot 将继续强化群组管理功能,丰富群组娱乐功能,加速构建积分体系。nmBot 团队将继续坚持以用户为本,为用户服务的理念,直击使用痛点,落实用户需求,为 Telegram 群组管理机器人市场注入新的活力。

一路走来,nmBot 团队要感谢所有用户一直以来对我们的支持和信任。我们绝不会辜负 nm 人们的期待,绝不会辱没 nmBot 的使命。我们将一如既往地做好 nmBot 开发和运营工作,为 nm 人们提供更好的服务。希望 nm 人们能够继续关心、支持和信任 nmBot。

(April 27, 2023) — We are thrilled to announce that it is the first yearly anniversary of our nmBot. And it is one of the most extraordinary telegram manager bots with many features and outstanding user experience, which is also widely used in many Telegram groups.

nmBot officially launched on Telegram on April 27, 2022, and officially tested the group management function on June 8 of the same year. Over the past year, under the strong leadership of the nmTeam management with Comrade agou as the core, the nmBot development team has adhered to integrity and innovation. fruitful.

Over the past year, the nmBot team has seized opportunities and dared to be the first.

At around 4:00 am on May 26, 2022, the well-known Telegram Chinese group management robot "Lu Xiaoxun" announced that it would be out of service, and there was a huge gap in the group management robot market. During the outage of Telegram's robots at the turn of spring and summer, the nmBot development team quickly made active deployments, focusing on adding group management-related functions to nmBot. nmTeam CEO agou personally commanded and personally deployed. All developers worked overtime to overcome difficulties and maximize development benefits. On June 8 of the same year, the nmBot group management function was officially tested.

On June 20, 2022, Telegram officially released Telegram Premium Subscription. The nmBot development team responded quickly and urgently launched functions such as automatically joining the group through Telegram members, automatically deleting Telegram member exclusive stickers, and displaying Telegram user identities at noon that day, becoming the first batch of robots to support the new features of the platform.

Over the past year, the nmBot team has adhered to the innovation-driven nm development strategy and made bold innovations.

Innovation is the foundation of nmBot, creation is the source of life of nmBot, and creativity is the charm of nmBot.

Faced with the pain point of setting complex functions of robots through instructions, the nmBot team creatively and independently developed the nmBot panel. The nmBot panel allows users to easily set robot functions by clicking buttons and entering text through a simple and clear UI, which greatly improves the usability of the robot.

nmBot panel promotional image

Faced with the problem that the group management function and many other functions cannot be used when speaking as a channel, the nmBot team boldly innovated, modified the underlying code, and created the "channel see-through" function. Users only need to simply operate to see through the channel The identity completes the group management function and uses other functions freely, realizing the seamless connection of channel identity in the entire Telegram ecosystem.

During the World Cup, the nmBot team boldly innovated to connect the World Cup matches with nmBot points, and launched the "World Cup Guess King" activity. Users can participate in World Cup guesses through the nmBot panel, and they can get points rewards if they guess correctly.

"World Cup Guess King" activity picture

Over the past year, the nmBot team has implemented the concept of user-oriented and serving users, directly hit the pain points of use, and implemented user needs.

The nmBot team adheres to the concept of user-oriented and serving users, directly hits the pain points of use, and implements user needs.

In response to the problem that the interactive functions of robots such as "Guagua's Noisy Bot" do not support the use of channel identities to participate, nmBot launched the "Group Friends Interaction" function, which supports channel identities. In subsequent versions, anonymous group identities will also be supported. Added support to make this interactive feature available to users through channel identities and anonymous group identities.

In response to the flood of harassment messages in the group, the nmBot team launched the functions of "automatically identify and delete harassment messages" and "automatically reject harassing users from joining the group", and launched a strategic cooperation with @ADGoawayBot, when nmBot detects harassment messages or harassing users When joining a group, actions will be taken automatically to prevent group members from being harassed.

In the past year of operation, the nmBot team has implemented the new nm concept, and the nmBot ecological development has achieved fruitful results.

nmBot running data

As of press time, nmBot has accumulatively served more than 1,700 groups, and more than 300,000 users have experienced nmBot's style, which is equivalent to the subscribers of two Telegram Chinese channels (@tgcnz).

nmBot group management function enabled

Enablement of nmBot group entertainment function

nmBot has also been widely recognized for its creative functions and excellent user experience. As of April 22, a whopping 90% of groups had enabled the "nmartChat" feature. Among the groups that enabled the nmBot group management function, more than half of the groups enabled the "group verification" function, 55% enabled the "same frequency atmosphere group" function, and 56% enabled the "happy repeat" function.

nmBot User Satisfaction

In customer surveys, the user satisfaction rate for nmBot is as high as 94%, and the satisfaction rate for nmBot panels is as high as 86%.

nmBot Ecology

Over the past year, the functional ecological construction of nmBot has been initially completed. In terms of group management and operation, nmBot provides a series of useful, easy-to-use and practical functions for operating Telegram groups from two perspectives: group management function and group entertainment function; in terms of user use, it has developed A series of practical functions of the nmBot scoring system.

In the next step, nmBot will continue to strengthen the group management function, enrich the group entertainment function, and accelerate the construction of the point system. The nmBot team will continue to adhere to the concept of user-oriented and user-serving, directly address the pain points of use, implement user needs, and inject new vitality into the Telegram group management robot market.

Along the way, the nmBot team would like to thank all users for their continued support and trust in us. We will never disappoint the expectations of nm people, and we will never disgrace the mission of nmBot. We will continue to do a good job in the development and operation of nmBot, and provide better services for nmers. I hope nmers can continue to care, support and trust nmBot.

标签: nmTeam, Telegram, nmBot