
nmBot 二周年

(2024 年 4 月 27 日)— nmTeam 运营的 nmBot 今日正式登陆 Telegram 二周年。

这一年,nmBot 继续守正创新,踔厉奋发推进新功能开发和全面技术更新,“nm+AI”理念落地成效显著。

这一年,nmBot 团队全面推进技术革新、硬件升级和功能创新。

在过去的一年运营中,nmBot 研发了多款全新软件。2023 年 8 月,我们发布了全新 nmBot 面板;今年 3 月,我们正式宣布 WINE 自研框架和全面重构的 nmBot NEXT。至此,我们实现了从机器人核心,到机器人功能层,再到面板端的全面更新。


全新 nmBot 面板现已作为默认面板向所有用户推出,nmBot NEXT 现已开启公测,将在今年稍晚正式推出。

为了应对用户数上涨造成的服务器压力,我们在服务器上的投入较去年同期增大到 3 倍,服务器性能同比增长 32 倍。

过去一年,我们为 nmBot 开发了多项新功能,nmBot 功能生态进一步发展完善。

nmBot 丰富的功能生态进一步发展完善。

这一年,nmBot 持续努力听取用户建议,优化用户体验。

我们针对用户对骚扰拦截等各项功能、允许 nmTeam 支持解封误封用户、如何判断 nmBot 发出的消息等功能和疑问,推出了多篇开发组座谈会文章和帮助文档,答疑解惑。

为了让资深用户和发烧友在新功能正式发布前抢先体验新功能,我们推出了全新 nmBot 面板“临柠测试”、nmBot 面板公测和 nmBot 预览版等多项测试计划。

为确保用户不受 nmBot 打扰,我们对骚扰举报处理流程和误封申诉处理流程都做了多项优化。目前,95% 以上的误封申诉,nmTeam 支持志愿者都在 2 小时内完成介入;为了在帮助受误封影响的用户的同时尊重群组选择,我们也推出了“允许 nmTeam 支持解封用户”的选项,目前启用了入群验证或消息骚扰拦截的群组中,有三分之一的群组已启用这一选项,近半数误封用户都在 nmTeam 支持的帮助下在被误封群组解封。

这一年,nmBot 广受更多 Telegram 用户喜爱。

使用 nmBot 的群组累计超 9000 个,nmBot 累计服务用户超 400 万,日处理消息近 80 万条。

过去两年 nmBot 的运行数据。

群组管理功能方面,58% 的群组启用了 nmBot 群组管理功能,群组管理功能启用率再创历史新高。



nmBot 提供的群组娱乐功能也受到不少群组青睐。所有使用 nmBot 的群组中,高达 95% 的群组都启用了 nmartChat 功能。另一招牌功能“同频气氛组”功能,也在管理群组中获得了近半数的启用率。banme、欢乐复读和群友互动等功能同样广受喜爱。


nmBot NEXT 将于今年晚些时候正式推出,这将是 nmBot 发展的又一个里程碑。感谢过去两年来广大用户对我们的支持,未来我们将继续努力,为广大 nm 人提供更多有趣,有用的 nmBot 功能。

nmBot 2nd anniversary

(April 27, 2024)—nmBot, operated by nmTeam, officially celebrate its second anniversary on Telegram today.

This year, nmBot continued to innovate, worked hard to promote the development of new functions and comprehensive technology updates, and achieved remarkable results in the implementation of the "nm+AI" concept.

This year, the nmBot team has comprehensively promoted technological innovation, hardware upgrades and functional innovation.

In the past year of operation, nmBot has developed a number of new software. In August 2023, we released the new nmBot panel; in March this year, we officially announced the WINE self-developed framework and the comprehensively reconstructed nmBot NEXT. At this point, we have achieved a comprehensive update from the bot core, to the bot functional layer, and then to the panel side.

From the bot core, to the bot functional layer, to the panel side, we have carried out a comprehensive upgrade.

The new nmBot panel is now available as the default panel for all users, and nmBot NEXT is now in public beta and will be officially launched later this year.

In order to cope with the server pressure caused by the increase in the number of users, our investment in servers increased to 3 times compared with the same period last year, and server performance increased 32 times year-on-year.

In the past year, we have developed a number of new functions for nmBot, and the function ecosystem of nmBot has been further developed and improved.

nmBot's rich functional ecology has been further developed and improved.

This year, nmBot continues to work hard to listen to user suggestions and optimize user experience.

We have launched a number of development team forum articles and help documents to answer questions about various functions and questions that users have about harassment interception, allowing nmTeam to support unblocking users by mistake, and how to judge messages sent by nmBot.

In order to allow experienced users and enthusiasts to experience new features before they are officially released, we have launched a number of test plans such as the new nmBot panel "Lining Test", nmBot panel public beta and nmBot preview version.

In order to ensure that users are not disturbed by nmBot, we have made many optimizations to the harassment report handling process and the mistaken ban appeal handling process. Currently, nmTeam support volunteers intervene in more than 95% of mistakenly blocked appeals within 2 hours; in order to help users affected by mistaken bans while respecting group choices, we have also launched "Allow nmTeam to support unblocking users" option. Among the groups that currently enable group verification or message harassment interception, one-third of the groups have enabled this option. Nearly half of the users who were accidentally banned were in the group that was accidentally banned unblocked with the help of nmTeam support.

This year, nmBot is loved by more Telegram users.

There are more than 9,000 groups using nmBot. nmBot has served more than 4 million users and processed nearly 800,000 messages per day.

nmBot operating data over the past two years.

In terms of group management functions, 58% of groups have enabled nmBot group management functions, and the group management function activation rate has reached a record high.

Enablement of group management function.

Functions such as group verification and harassment interception are also popular. Nearly half of the users in groups that have enabled group management functions have enabled group entry verification and harassment interception functions.

The group entertainment function provided by nmBot is also favored by many groups. Up to 95% of all groups using nmBot have nmartChat enabled. Another signature function, the "perper warm up" function, has also been activated by nearly half of the management groups. Functions such as banme, repeating and group interaction are also widely loved.

Enablement of group entertainment function.

nmBot NEXT will be officially launched later this year, which will be another milestone in the development of nmBot. Thank you to the majority of users for their support over the past two years. We will continue to work hard in the future to provide more interesting and useful nmBot functions for the majority of nm people.

标签: nmBot